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Marie Stopes Partners Day 2021

Service Delivery  •  22 November 2021  • 1 min read



Marie Stopes organized the inaugural partner’s meeting with an aim of strengthening existing partnerships and building new alliances to enhance access to high quality health services.

The event brought together stakeholders from the donor community, government, civil society, and the private Sector.

Working in partnerships allows Marie Stopes to deliver at a larger scale, reaching more people especially the most vulnerable. In addition, partnerships at community level have increased ownership which is contributing greatly towards sustainability.

During the meeting, Dr. Carole Sekimpi the Country Director of Marie Stopes, shared the MSI 2030 strategy highlighting the various pillars that support service delivery and how the organization is adapting to extend services to the most vulnerable during this pandemic.

In her official opening remarks at the meeting, the Minister of Health in charge of general duties, Hon. Anifa Kawooya commended Marie Stopes for delivering services that reach rural communities at the grassroot.

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