Marie Stopes Ladies
Our mobile nurses and midwives reach women with confidential and accessible services.

Our mobile midwives reach women with discreet and accessible services.
It is not only material conditions, like poverty and poor health provision, that prevent women from accessing short-term and long-term family planning methods.
Intangible obstacles like stigma from the community, or religious and cultural restrictions can also go a long way towards making these services difficult to access. This channel is an innovative, scalable and low-cost delivery intervention, designed to overcome challenges of access to FP by supporting nurses and/or midwives in peri-urban areas to expand service delivery, to their communities.
What can you always expect
Nurses and midwives selected to be MS Ladies are provided with training, equipment, and on-going support.
They establish their own community-level businesses delivering high quality maternal and reproductive health services to underserved women and girls, at an affordable price within their homes in peri-urban areas.
MS ladies are located in the districts of; Arua, Gulu, Kampala, Tororo and Kabale, Hoima, Lira, Soroti, Mbale, Jinja, Entebe, Fortportal.

How do Marie Stopes Ladies help?
They are qualified midwives and nurses from the local community, who work from home or visit clients in their homes.
Marie Stopes Ladies operate in specific catchment areas, providing high quality family planning services. They are one of our most successful means of reaching women who are poor, and living in restrictive environments, or not using any form of contraception.