BlueStar Clinics
Our partners for delivering high quality family planning and post-abortion care services.

Our private sector provider network
Marie Stopes works with the private sector by accrediting, training and equipping private sector clinics to provide quality reproductive health services to the urban and peri-urban communities. This was first implemented through the sale of a subsidized vouchers (which enabled clients to access to any family planning method of choice; a review visit and the removal of the method).
The BlueStar Network
We provide our expertise to a network of private facilities with training in a range of sexual and reproductive health, infection prevention and counselling services – ensuring the clients’ needs are always put first.
Once BlueStar franchisees complete their training and meet our stringent quality standards, they are equipped to deliver services on our behalf. We take full responsibility for the quality of these services by conducting regular assessments, ensuring adherence to our standards, and offering continuous training and support.
Through our franchisees, we can continue to deliver a wide range of high-quality contraceptives and family planning services.